• Effect of high saline alkaline conditions onto radionuclide transport in a CEM V/A hardened cement paste, Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes, C. Landesman, N. Macé, J. Radwan, S. Ribet, N. Bessaguet, K. David, J. Page, P. Henocq, Avignon, France, October 24-26, 2018 (extended abstract)

  • Temporal uranium records of oak tree rings (Quercus Petrae) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a former uranium mining site (Rophin, France), Y. Hassan Loni, K. David, S. Larrue, G. Montavon, P. Chardon, B. Grambow, Goldshmidt 2018, Boston, USA, August 12-17, 2018

  • Temporal uranium records of oak tree rings (Quercus Petrae) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a former uranium mining site (Rophin, France), K. David, Y. Hassan Loni, S. Larrue, P. Chardon, G. Montavon, B. Grambow, 14th European Workshop on Laser Ablation, Pau, France, June 26-29, 2018

  • La radiolyse de l’eau peut-elle servir la radiothérapie vectorisée?, A. Castagliola, G. Blain, J. Vandenborre, M. Fattahi, Les Journées Scientifiques de l’Université de Nantes. June 1, 2018. La Cité des Congrès. Nantes

  • Formation et dégradation des anions organiques en milieu carbonate sous irradiation par faisceau d’hélions, A. Costagliola, J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, F. Haddad, M. Fattahi, JECRRC, June 01-07, 2018, Strasbourg

  • Radiochimie à Subatech : Le dihydrogène un lien quasi évident », JECRRC, June 01-07, 2018, Strasbourg

  • Production of innovative radionuclides for therapy or diagnostic: nuclear data measurements and comparisons with the TALYS code, A. Guertin, 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Italy, June 11-15, 2018

  • Production of medically interesting 97Ru via natMo(α,x) above 40 MeV at ARRONAX, M. Sitarsz, 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Italy, June 11-15, 2018

  • Production cross section of 197mHg induced by deuterons on natural gold target, E. Nigron, 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Italy, June 11-15, 2018

  • Research on production of 97Ru with the use of Radionuclide Yield Calculator at ARRONAX, M. Sitarsz et al., 17th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (WTTC17), Aug. 27-31, 2018