• Mostafa Hazim, Arnaud Guertin, Ferid Haddad, Charbel Koumeir, Nathalie Michel, Vincent Métivier, Adnan Naja, Noel Servagent, High energy PIXE : new K-shell ionization cross sections and comparison with theoretical values calculated using ECPSSR,15th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission, April 2 – 7, 2017, Split, Croatia

  • C. Koumeir, N. Varmenot et al, radiobiologie@arronax, workshop radiobiologie, Lyon, 12-13 Octobre 2017

  • C. Koumeir, N. Varmenot et al, The radiobiological platform at cyclotron Arronax, Micros2017, Venise (italie), du 6 au 10 novembre 2017


  • Vandenborre J, Costagliola A, Blain G., Haddad F., Fattahi M. « RADIOCHEMISTRY VS. RADIATION CHEMISTRY : Competition and Complementarity », Migration 2017, 10-15 Septembre 2017, Barcelone, Spain

  • « Nuclear data for applications in nuclear medicine » A. Guertin, F.Haddad,Neutron For Science Workshop at GANIL, Caen 11/2017

  • Crumière, J.Vandenborre, M.Fattahi, « LET effects on the hydrogen production in the radiolysis of pure water», The 27th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, 20-25 Mai 2011, Tällberg, Sweden.

    Traboulsi, Vandenborre J, Blain G., Barbet J., Fattahi M. « Impact of Water Radiolysis on Uranium dioxide corrosion », Migration 2013, 8-13 Septembre 2013, Brighton, UK.

    Ghalei, J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, M. Fattahi, F. Haddad, « Study induced oxidation/reduction of Tc in carbonate media by α and γ radiolysis», ISTR, 29 Sept-03 Oct 2014, Pornichet, France.

    Traboulsi, J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, M. Fattahi, F. Haddad, « Impact of 4He2+ Radiolysis of Water on UO2 Corrosion», Gordon Research Conferences: Radiation Chemistry, 13-18 Juillet 2014, Andover, USA.

    Ghalei, J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, M. Fattahi, F. Haddad, “Study induced oxidation/reduction of M (Tc, Re & Mn) in carbonate media by α and γ irradiation “, MILLER 2015 Conference, 14-18 Mars 2015, Windermere, UK

    Vandenborre, A.Traboulsi, S.Noirault, G.Blain, F.Haddad, M.Fattahi , “Radiolytic corrosion occurring at the solid/solution interface investigated at SUBATECH: example of Uranium and Titanium“, MILLER 2015 Conference, 14-18 Mars 2015, Windermere, UK (Invité)

    Vandenborre, A.Traboulsi, G.Blain, F.Haddad, M.Fattahi , “Radiolytic corrosion occurring at the solid/solution interface investigated at SUBATECH: example of Uranium “, E-MRS, 11-13 Mai 2015, Lille, France

    Noirault, J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, F. Haddad, M. Fattahi,BEHAVIOR OF TITANIUM ALLOYS (T40, T64) VS. RADIOLYTIC CORROSION UNDER 4He2+ IRRADIATION”, MRS, 2-6 November, 2015, Montpellier, France

    Noirault, J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, F. Haddad, M. Fattahi, “Radiolytic corrosion of Titanium alloys under 4He2+/γ-ray irradiation”, ICRR 2015, 25-29 Mai 2015, Kyoto, Japan

    Vandenborre J, Costagliola A, Blain G., Haddad F., Fattahi M. « RADIOCHEMISTRY VS. RADIATION CHEMISTRY : Competition and Complementarity », Migration 2017, 10-15 Septembre 2017, Barcelone, Spain.