Arronax Nantes > Production des radionucléides > Nos Publications > Années précédentes > publication 2016-1
publication 2016-1
“Is there an interest to use deuteron beams to produce non-conventional radionuclides ?” C. Alliot, N. Audouin, J. Barbet, A.C. Bonraisin, V. Bossé, C. Bourdeau, M. Bourgeois, C. Duchemin, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, S. Huclier-Markai, R. Kerdjoudj, J. Laizé, V. Métivier, N. Michel, M. Mokili, M. Pageau, A. Vidal, International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology / Physics for Health in Europe, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Vol. 118, Supplement 1, February 2016, p. S49